
Showing posts from May, 2023

.NET Framework Introducton

  Definition: .NET framework is a software development framework introduced by Microsoft for building different types of applications i.e. console applications, windows application, web applications and mobile applications etc. The first version of .Net framework was 1.0 which came in the year 2002.   .NET Framework Features / Characteristics:- 1. .NET stands for ‘Network enabled technology’. 2. Easy development of different types of applications. 3. Rapid application development. 4. Multi-Language support with asynchronous    programming. 5. Object oriented programming (OOPS) support. 6. Loosely coupling and extensible architecture. 7. Easy and rich debugging support. 8. Memory management and security. .NET FRAMEWORK ARCHITECTURE:-   The .NET Framework is composed of four main components:   1.    Common Language Runtime (CLR).   2.    Framework Class Library (FCL).   3.    ...